Your Identity Is Valid <3

Hi, and Welcome to Rainbow Rose Services!

Rainbow Rose Services is committed to affirming and celebrating folks of all neurotypes in the trans, queer, polyamorous, and kink communities.

We believe in using an identity affirming, anti-oppressive framework to bring services to those who can't otherwise access them. We recognize the impacts of white supremacy, are actively anti-racist and seek to acknowlege and combat structural oppression of all kinds.

Right now I am doing all my sessions remotely with telehealth tools.

Rainbow Rose Services is:

  • Lbgtq+/queer/gender expansive focused
  • Neurodivergent lead and affirming
  • Trauma-informed
  • Committed to accessibility:
    • Online
    • Open to people in any state/country depending on the service
    • Open on evenings
    • Sliding-scale services as available
    • Text/messaging-based services as needed
  • Dedicated to affirming all consensual forms of romantic and sexual relationships, including aro, ace, poly, and kink identities

We offer:

  • Mental Health Coaching
  • Therapy
  • Advocacy
  • Gender Navigation
    • Unpacking and processing gender and gender related questions
    • Connection/help navigating and accessing HRT, surgery letters, etc.
    • Help with presentation and affirmation
  • Neurodivergent identity validation and navigation
    • Education and understanding around different neurotypes and ND traits
    • Connection/help navigating neuropsychological assessments for neurodivergency
    • Help building an ND-affirming lifestyle and environment
  • Trauma Work
    • Somatic healing
    • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
    • Help building an ND-affirming lifestyle and environment
  • Consultation
    • Mental health consultation
    • Consultation for families and professionals trying to support loved ones
    • Consultation for families to process the transition of a loved one
    • Consultation for professionals who seek to be more inclusive
  • Educational Workshops and trainings
  • Spiritual care


Some background info on myself and my practice.